Welcome members of Leo Club!

This blog is dedicated to primarily Leo Club at Renaissance. Feel free to express thoughts and opinions as long as they are appropriate.

This is where we will keep updates and notes from Leo meetings. This is also a great place to share ideas for service projects etc.

Kindest Regards,

Delaney, Marlee, and Mikayla

22 July 2010


Hello Leo Clubbers!

Next meeting is at the Library Coffee House (141 E Carlton Ave, Meridian, ID. ) on 5 August 2010 at 10:00A.M. Please be there if you can, it is very important that you make each meeting.

We will be discussing various things some including:
-Elected Officials
-Committee Leaders

Elected Officials( President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Advisor(Hunter) and Committee leaders (that are named at august 5 Meeting) keep your calendars open 9 and 10 August. There will be a meeting one of those days for Elected Officials and Committee Leaders.

Induction Ceremony August 26, invitations will be sent out and please RSVP.

Even if you cannot go to a meeting still RSVP please.

Commitment is key.



If you need to reach our president:
If you need to reach vice President (ME)


  1. I WILL BE AT THE MEETING! HA:) ESPECIALLY CUZ I WILL BE RUNNING IT! HA:) hope most people can come! you really need to be there! I have some important topics that I plan to cover so try your best! thanks so much!

    --Mikayla Payne :)

  2. Who, Me? I cannot be there sadly. I will be backpacking :) Just the wilderness and I! Whooh. Have a good time and tell me how it goes.

  3. Hey, I won't be their, my family is going to glacier national park! Mikay, if you need help with anything, just let me know! Thanks
